Author Archives: WKU Webmaster

WordPress 6.5.2, Plugins & Themes Updated

WordPress has been updated to version 6.5.2

Plugin Updates:

  • ActivityPub 2.3.1
  • All in One SEO
  • Better Search Replace 1.4.6
  • BuddyPress 12.4.1
  • Jetpack 13.3.1
  • Shield Security 19.1.13
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed 6.3.1

Theme Updates:

  • Ashe 2.237
  • Responsive 5.0.4
  • Twenty Eleven 4.6
  • Twenty Fifteen 3.7
  • Twenty Fourteen 3.9
  • Twenty Nineteen 2.8
  • Twenty Ten 4.1
  • Twenty Thirteen 4.1
  • Twenty Twelve 4.2
  • Twenty Twenty 2.6
  • Twenty Twenty-Four 1.1
  • Twenty Twenty-One 2.2
  • Twenty Twenty-Three 1.4
  • Twenty Twenty-Two 1.7
  • Graphene 2.9.4

Plugins and Themes Updates:

Plugin Updates:

  • Akismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protection 5.3.2
  • All in One SEO
  • BuddyPress 12.4.0
  • Disable Comments 2.4.6
  • Jetpack 13.2.2
  • Shield Security 19.1.6
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed 6.2.10
  • Solid Security Basic 9.3.2

Theme Updates:

  • Ashe 2.235
  • Graphene 2.9.4
  • Responsive 5.0.3

Plugins & Themes Updated

Plugin Updates:

  • ActivityPub 2.2.0
  • All in One SEO
  • BuddyPress 12.3.0
  • Jetpack 12.1.3
  • Shield Security 19.0.7
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed 6.2.9
  • Solid Security Basic 9.3.1

Theme Updates:

  • Ashe 2.233
  • Responsive 5.0.0

WordPress 6.4.1, Plugins & Themes Updated

Plugin Updates

  • All in One SEO
  • Jetpack 12.8.1
  • Magic Embeds 3.1.2
  • Shield Security 18.5.7
  • Smash Balloon Instagram Feed 6.2.6
  • Solid Central 3.0.1
  • Solid Security Basic 9.1.0

Theme Updates

  • Ashe 2.222
  • Responsive 4.9.2
  • Twenty Eleven 4.5
  • Twenty Fifteen 3.6
  • Twenty Fourteen 3.8
  • Twenty Nineteen 2.7
  • Twenty Ten 4.0
  • Twenty Thirteen 4.0
  • Twenty Twelve 4.1
  • Twenty Twenty 2.4
  • Twenty Twenty-One 2.0
  • Twenty Twenty-Three 1.3
  • Twenty Twenty-Two 1.6