WordPress has been updated to version 3.4.1. More can be found here on the update: http://wordpress.org/news/2012/06/wordpress-3-4-1/
We have also updated various themes and plugins. If you notice anything not working just let us know.
WordPress has been updated to version 3.4.1. More can be found here on the update: http://wordpress.org/news/2012/06/wordpress-3-4-1/
We have also updated various themes and plugins. If you notice anything not working just let us know.
WordPress has been updated to version 3.3.2. More can be found here on the update: http://wordpress.org/news/2012/04/wordpress-3-3-2/
Several themes and plugins were updated today. Please check your sites and make sure everything is working.
The WordPress software has been updated to the latest version, 3.3.1. This was a security and maintenance update and more can be found here:
The “Restrict Categories” plugin has been added. Administrators can now add users to their blogs and restrict which categories that user can post to.
The WordPress software has been updated to the latest version, 3.3. Please see the WordPress site for the new features and bug fixes in the latest version here: http://wordpress.org/news/2011/12/sonny/
If you would like to add Google Analytics to your blog we have enabled a plugin where you can just insert your Account UA id and enable Analytics.
To enable this for your blog you can find Google Analtyics under the Settings section on the left nav in the admin. Only Admins will have the ability to enable this.
If there are any questions just let us know.
Are you getting spammed a lot? Just email webmaster@wku.edu and we will give you the Akismet Key to prevent spam.
Since we have upgraded we have the ability to add more themes. If there is a theme you would like please let us know by emailing webmaster@wku.edu. We will then look into the theme and see if it will be compatible.
We are currently still working on the WKU theme that looks similar to the new WKU layout.
Since we have upgraded we have the ability to add more plugins. If there is a plugin you would like please let us know by emailing webmaster@wku.edu. We will then look into the plugin and see if it will be compatible.
Please keep in mind this is a multi-site blog and not all plugins are multi-site compatible